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Welcome to ColdFusion.Rocks! I’m Mike, and this is my digital sanctuary where I aim to impart a little wisdom, lend a helping hand, and indulge in my passions. My journey with ColdFusion began around 1999/2000, and it has been an integral part of my web application design and development ever since.

It all started in the I.T. department of a D.C. law firm, where I stumbled upon the Allaire ColdFusion web application server, version 4.0—complete with its original books! That discovery was a game-changer for me, and I’ve been tapping into ColdFusion’s robust capabilities ever since.

I sincerely hope this site proves valuable to you. Should you have any inquiries, feedback, or ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected].

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The Ternary & Elvis Operators

One lesson I learned a long time ago is "Spend time getting to know the language." I find myself occasionally just browsing documentation to see if there are any functions I don't know or haven't seen before.